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Time to lube up! Or is it?
Published on February 2, 2013 By Shiny_Man In Strategy

To the Multiplayers,

Those of you who play any "5 vs 5" games knows that there is the infamous "Suicide Spot," the position where you are surrounded by enemy players and your entire team is on the other side of the system.  There is no hope of running, as you will be caught and destroyed within minutes.  There is no hope of attacking, as your enemy closes in from all sides with seemingly endless fleet supply.  The only possibility of survival is to sit and pray that you go unseen - yeah, like that's going to happen. 

But really, what is the best solution to being in the "SS" - so to speak?  Is it better to simply give your resources away and lube up, or is it better to take enormous amounts of feed (assuming that your teammates actually have any to give and will give anything) and turtle for an eternity, hoping that later in the game you may actually be liberated by your allies on the other side of the system?  Do you expand quickly to three or five planets and hope you have enough time and credits to Starbase yourself, or do you make sure that you only have one or two planets and defend them heavily? 

I have heard and tried numerous different tactics, but am personally wondering what is the best tactic when placed in the Suicide Spot?


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on Feb 02, 2013

It is the hardest spot in 5v5, I hope I won't get in it very often as I am far from excellent player and I often make mistakes under heavy pressure (as i am not a robot).

Tactics: 1. stay alive, longer being alive, the more you helped your team.

  2. reach the inner planets near the Sun, from where you can maybe restart your mission with help of others,

  and maybe get next to an ally who can cover you and from feed try to rebuilt something. I read it somewhere on this forum.

  3. try to save a ship that can colonize and move in the middle of your allies who will give you a planet (easy to say, I have never seen  someone succeeding in it.. but it is somewhat possible to do, and after that just like in the 2. part, rebuild etc)

  4. If everything failed yes, give away all your resources as you will not be able to use them any longer.. and ask teammates not to pump resources in you as you have no way to make real use of them, and maybe try saving as big fleet as you can and lead it to one of your allies, if nothing else they will help in defending after you are defeated completely.

Just don't panic, maybe one of your allies will save one of your sides by attacking your opponent early, putting heavy pressure on him.


I am not an experienced 5v5 player, so I am curious what others will say about this.

on Feb 02, 2013

There's suicide, and then there's suicide...sometimes you are technically "suicide" but in reality there are 2 or 3 suicide players in a row and thus there is no guarantee that any of them will be truly these situations it would be silly to write off your HW since if you are being doubled, then some enemy is leaving their HW open to one of your frontliners....

If you are true suicide though (as in both people surrounding you are frontliners and neither are suicide themselves) it depends on your faction and if your team has an eco (you may technically have an eco player but if they are noob then essentially you are on your own)...

If you are Vasari, always try to hold your HW...the Orky can take on pretty much anything short of bombers and ogrovs...phasic trap can take care of the bombers, and corvettes can take care of both...

If you are Advent, you are in a better position than TEC because your hangars can give shields to structures....additionally, your SB can field more SC if necessary and you always have the option of putting culture on the general I'd say try to hold your ground...fleet fleet fleet with disciples and wait to see who is doubling you and if you have eco before SBing....

If you are TEC, you are in very bad spot...high repair from your repair bays is nice but that's about all you have going for you...if I'm TEC and I'm suicide, I am far more likely to consider relocating than when playing as the other 2 Advent, fleet fleet fleet before plopping an SB....

Generally your best fleet is the standard LF spam in beginning, mixing in corvettes as necessary to deal with LRFs, bombers, and/or ogrovs (the things that tend to be used to counter SBs) Vasari, you probably can just go straight to corvettes if you spam Orkies on your HW, roid, and moon....

Overall I'd say it is always better if you can hold your HW...I usually don't even attempt to keep my colony cap at my HW, immediately sending it to map center to grab roids, moons, or head into friendly territory....the thing is, if you are keeping 2 people busy (or at least 1) with your HW fleet, then you are preventing them from developing a strong eco...more importantly, you are forcing them to adopt fleet upgrades which hurts their eco even more...sucking up feed from your eco is far better than letting the other team get 2 ecos.....

Case in point, I was once suicide and was sandwhiched between 2 of the skilled Chinese players...Slackah fed me early and hard, allowing me to keep my HW almost the entire game....I had a very large fleet with mixed composition, a full Transcencia with 20 SC, and multiple frigate factories and culture centers protected by hangar shield took 2 players with large fleets, titans, wail, and a lvl 6 marza to finally break me...because I held my ground, the other team never developed the proper eco to take on our team late game....I was able to get all my labs from roids/moons at the center of map and even as able to get an Eradica...when I finally did lose my HW, I had high level prog, mid-level eradica, and their frontliners were already falling due to lack of eco support...

on Feb 02, 2013

Lots of good advice and thinking in these first two posts. I would emphasize to keep in mind: "because I held my ground, the other team never developed the proper eco to take on our team late game...." and "stay alive, longer being alive, the more you helped your team." That is, some folks think, "God, I'm in suicide position, I need to turtle and sb." Well, with such thinking turned into action, game is now 5v4 instead of 5v5.

For sure, you can expect to eventually lose your HW if you are truly in suicide position, so the real question of victory is: how much "time damage" did you do to the other team, thereby helping your own team greatly. So, my advice:

1. Step #1: FLEET, FLEET, FLEET, and ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK, but do not lose any of your fleet. Just retreat if enemy shows up. Stay in this stage one of Step #1 as long as possible. Ideally during this stage, you have 3 planets. You keep your fleet on the middle planet and jump as needed to defended your neighboring planets.

2. Step #2: Eventually the enemy gets its act together and it's obvious that you will lose your fleet. You need to keep up scouting so you can predict when they are getting together this kind of fleet. Once you see this ball in motion, run your fleet back to your HW (do not lose it!), research your starbase tech, and get your starbase on your homeworld. Write off your two side planets. Right about now is when you indicate to your eco player that you need feed. Build up the starbase and some surrounding defenses "just enough" that the enemy will not attack you; don't over build because then you are wasting your team's feed resources. You also need to get some culture up. Now you sit there with your HW and your fleet. A good enemy will now ignore you. Then you use your fleet to harrass enemy more. In this regard, before you lose your two side planets, it's good to get some "over fleet supply" by researching up the tech tree. Because once you lose those side planets and have 3 frigate facts + 2 culture centers on your HW, you are only going to have 1 tech centers. So you need to get up your fleet supply, even though you don't build the ships, to something like 600 in advance, so you can sit there and keep building ships. The enemy will want to ignore you but won't be able to do so when you're building up the fleet.

3. Step #3: The enemy is finally getting what it needs to take out your HW. You are well into midgame by now. Make sure you got some colonizers out and across the center of the map to your allies so that they can give you a little droid to make your new capital (and 3 frigates factories) on. Meanwhile, when the big bad enemy killer fleet finally shows up on your HW, RUN RUN RUN. Run your 600 fleet supply and terrorize the enemy's back planets. Scuttle everything on your HW, including your nice starbase, so that the enemy does not get any experience.

With this aggressive "suicide position" plan, you have helped your team a whole lot. And you are still having fun running around the map with your 600 fleet supply fleet (never engage enemy, always just run, unless you have overwhelming advantage, since it's hard for you to rebuild fleet, unless your allies give you that droid with 3 frigate factories). Your enemy will hate you. You are smiling. Your team is winning.

on Mar 06, 2013

Advent is best for suicide spots.. best frigates, best structure defense and early culture for locking planets + economic buffs. Advent also have a better repair platform than vasari that combos with shield bowl on the hanger bay. 

on Mar 11, 2013

I'm surrounded!

Great! Now I can attack in any direction!

The suicide spot is the best spot possible. Just choose the weakest player next to you... something secret... and profit.


on Mar 12, 2013

I think some of the strategies above will only work with a true "team".  I've been in this position before and just left to die by all of my allies... This situation just stresses the importance of team play.  Some people just want to play FFA in a 5s...

on Mar 12, 2013


I think some of the strategies above will only work with a true "team".  I've been in this position before and just left to die by all of my allies... This situation just stresses the importance of team play.  Some people just want to play FFA in a 5s...


u need a lot of feed and 2-3 military labs. just ask to be fed by all the team and concentrate on t2 and t3 units with repair platforms. 

on Mar 13, 2013


I think some of the strategies above will only work with a true "team".  I've been in this position before and just left to die by all of my allies... This situation just stresses the importance of team play.  Some people just want to play FFA in a 5s...

I've been in this position a bunch of times. One time, I escaped with a mothership and captured a dwarf near the centre, but the only guy who was able to help me rejected me because the planet I had taken was going to be the end of his trade chain. I spent most of that game on minus credit income.

on Mar 19, 2013

I was once suicide and was sandwhiched between 2 of the skilled Chinese players...

This is a lie. How do you know they were Chinese and why are you making it obvious that they were Chinese and you alone-one man with your fortress of solitude-held your ground against the red army? Why couldn't you just say I was being attacked by 2 opponents? Are you trying to imply that you alone can witstand the might of 2 Chinese players-or are you also implying that Chinese players are superior sins players and the fact that you stood tall against them makes you chuck Norris?



on Mar 21, 2013

on Mar 21, 2013




on Mar 22, 2013

suicide spot... build siege capital first and shove it down the nearest enemy's homeworld.  get friends to feed you enough for siege frigs until you are overrun... but you might be able to nail 1-2 nearby enemies.  seen it, had it done, tried it once or twice.  you gonna die, piss someone off.

on Mar 24, 2013

There is no single answer here, it relies on what kind of players the enemy are. Are they defensive or aggressive? How spread out are they? How well are u fortified in the SS? How is everyone's tech level?


If the enemy has a truly overwhelming force, it might be best to lose the SS and beat a tactical retreat with some losses rather than try and hold the SS and getting steamrolled. If they have surrounded u, chances are their at least somewhat spreadout, so try and lead a massive breakout to the allied front line to reestablish a supply line. Or if u hav a Kostura Cannon ready, use it together with phase gates, Marauder Capital Ships or another KC to make a supply line or escape route.


Probably the best strategy to begin with is to advance in tandem with your allies so that u never get too surrounded and cut off.

on Mar 24, 2013

@Unazaki, what are you talking about? This goes for 5v5 Humans... It seems you talk about playing VS AI, as against human in suicide you will never build Kostura.. And defensive or aggressive this is not AI.. And Marauders if you build one, you have a serious problem understanding this game.. Those ships are so useless.

I guess you haven't read the original post, it goes for multiplayers, 5v5 humans as that is the most common online game non-noobs play.

on Mar 26, 2013


@Unazaki, what are you talking about? This goes for 5v5 Humans... It seems you talk about playing VS AI, as against human in suicide you will never build Kostura.. And defensive or aggressive this is not AI.. And Marauders if you build one, you have a serious problem understanding this game.. Those ships are so useless.

I guess you haven't read the original post, it goes for multiplayers, 5v5 humans as that is the most common online game non-noobs play.

Hes right.


Only use capital ships with the most fire-power and required abilities: Colonize, AOE Repair, AOE Disable (Devastator:Vasari), ( Discord: Psionic-Scream) and carriers.

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