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Hearing other players?
Published on October 19, 2012 By Shiny_Man In Sins Rebellion

Hey Everyone,

Alright, I just finished an awesome '5 vs 5' game that was going completely smoothly.  However, about midway into it, another player name [_]-Eros (hopefully I spelled that right) and myself (KSSSWM) suddenly got some weird audio malfunction going on.  Essentially, it sounded like we were talking to NASA, but that "NASA" was some TEC player.  I was basically hearing everything that a player would normally hear if they were playing as the TEC faction (I was Advent) in addition to my standard Advent updates, but it sounded as though the TEC information was coming through a really crappy microphone.  I was hearing "Construction complete," "An ally planet is under attack," "A new colony has been founded," and so-on and so-forth in the TEC male voice, as though someone else who was playing had a microphone on and I was hearing it.  In addition, I would hear high-pitched beeping sounds after each update was said, as if it was - how to put it - "ending a transmission."  My name was popped up on the top center of both mine and [_]-Eros' screens, which confuses me since I didn't even have a microphone plugged in, nor did he (as far as I know; he didn't say that he had one plugged in).  What was even weirder was that we were the only two to have the problem.  No one else out of the 8 of us (2 players had left by this point) was hearing what Eros and I were experiencing.  Whatever it was, it was EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING!  The best part (I'm being sarcastic) is that my game minidumped before my team could win, which was probably due to this glitch.

Therefore, I am asking anyone if they have experienced this or have any suggestions as to how or why this happens.  Below, I tried to post a screenshot of the moment that the glitch first started, but I have a feeling that it isn't going to show up.  Anyways, any advice would be appreciated.



on Oct 20, 2012

Nope, screenshot doesn't show(Have you tried uploading it to then just posting the URL link to here) 

And I've never seen nor heard of this before


on Oct 20, 2012





Here's the screenshot.  It didn't show before, so I reuploaded it.  Hopefully this helps.

on Oct 20, 2012

Hmm, I've truly never seen a name show up that big and at that position, maybe you pressed some secret button?



on Oct 20, 2012

I've seen that before with the name across the screen and audio garbles. Not sure what causes it - there is Steam voice chat available so I assumed in the past it was related to that. I haven't used Steam voice in a long time but I'm pretty sure you have to accept an invitation to be able to receive voice.

on Oct 25, 2012

Just posted about this, was referred to this post.

on Oct 26, 2012

Happend to me today as well, didn't hear anything tho, since I play sins with music from non-sins and sins is pretty much muted completly...

on Oct 26, 2012

Hmm, not sure.  Do let us know if more of you see this.

on Oct 26, 2012

well the weirdest thing was, the guy wasn't even in the game!(whose name was displayed) he got kicked right before it(before we started the match)...

on Oct 26, 2012

Just posted about this, was referred to this post.

In response to Protoplazm's other post (on which he was referred to this post), I find it interesting - and I do not meant to immediately start pointing fingers here - that the common denominator here seems to be [_]-Eros.  I mean, he could be doing whatever it is inadvertently, but still, his copy could have some bug or something in which this kind of glitch is more frequent. 


well the weirdest thing was, the guy wasn't even in the game!(whose name was displayed) he got kicked right before it(before we started the match)...

For your response, ezeltje299, the bug could have been caused because he was kicked.  However, it would depend on when the player was kicked - like as the game loaded, before starting, etc.

on Oct 26, 2012


For your response, ezeltje299, the bug could have been caused because he was kicked.  However, it would depend on when the player was kicked - like as the game loaded, before starting, etc.

He got kicked like a second before starting the game, and the name didn't come up till maybe an hour or 2-3 into the match

on Oct 28, 2012


He got kicked like a second before starting the game, and the name didn't come up till maybe an hour or 2-3 into the match

Well, that's just weird then.  I don't really have a clue as to a logical explanation for that one....

on Oct 28, 2012

Well.. I am Eros... and it hasnt happened again since the two times it happened that were metioned. I have heard other players saying it happened to them in games i was not in, but something tells me that being whatever name is popping up, it has to do with that player and issues with ICO

on Oct 30, 2012

Well.. I am Eros... and it hasnt happened again since the two times it happened that were metioned. I have heard other players saying it happened to them in games i was not in, but something tells me that being whatever name is popping up, it has to do with that player and issues with ICO

I would have to agree, since that's really the only thing that makes sense.  Unfortunately, that means I have - or had - some problem with my account on ICO.  It hasen't happened again, so maybe it was just a fluke, but if it does, I'll be sure to let people know.