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Remove Pausing Ability
Published on August 16, 2012 By Shiny_Man In Sins Multiplayer

Hello Multiplayer Fans,

I recently played an online game with a few friends of mine: a 3v3.  The game was overall a bit equal, but once one of our teammates mini-dumped it quickly turned for the worst (eventhough we had already taken out one player on the other team).  However, we held our ground and were able to push back, eventually to a point where both teams were essentially at a stalemate (now a 2v2).  To finally break the ice, one of the players on the other side made a push into our AI's territory, reaching a point where he was cornered and had to meet our fleets with a head-to-head confrontation (which he would not have won based off of fleet sizes). 

Realizing this, the other player (I won't reveal names) decided to pause the game, expecting us to quit due to time.  I understand that sometimes pausing the game solves lagging/connection issues, but in this instance it was just completely redicilous.  Our whole team was on Skype and we had no idea of how to unpause the game.  Eventually I found it in the Key Bindings and unpaused it, just to have it literally immediately repaused.  This conflict continued with both of the players on the other team (so a total of 18 pauses/unpauses) until the game finally mini-dumped, wasting over two hours of play (not to count the eventual win that our team would have had).

So my request is simple: remove the pausing ability for multiplayer gameplay!  It is a cheap way for losing players to try and win or get out of the game with a mini-dump when they should accept the loss no matter what.  It's called respectable gameplay people!

on Aug 16, 2012

Me and my teammates had a same issue. We were playing a 3v3 game. 1 player of both of our teams left. The game was stalemate until we finally made a breakthrough. Then the enemy realizes that he is in trouble and starts to pause/unpause the game. Everyone minidumped.


I know the name of the player since then, but i wont reveal it atm.


on Aug 29, 2012

what is the unpuse buton ?

on Aug 29, 2012

I would think eliminating pauses would be bad. However, something like a limit of 2 per 10 minutes (or maybe 5 total) per player would probably fix the problem.  It would certainly mean that what happened to you would not be possible.

on Aug 29, 2012

needs to be a time limit on each pause



on Aug 29, 2012

you have 10 pauses total each and unlimited unpause option. I see no need to time limit pause other than what is agreed with in game chat

on Aug 29, 2012

I know the name of the player since then, but i wont reveal it atm.


The solution to this problem is not to remove/limit pausing that affects the 99% of players who don't abuse this....the solution is to make everyone aware of specifically who does...then players/hosts can choose to avoid playing with those trolls that ruin the game...

Already there are hosts who instantly boot trolls like Zoomers who ruin games for people....

on Aug 29, 2012

Whatever caused the minidump needs fixed, but pause is just fine.  Learn the controls before playing.

on Aug 29, 2012


Quoting MNation, reply 1I know the name of the player since then, but i wont reveal it atm.


The solution to this problem is not to remove/limit pausing that affects the 99% of players who don't abuse this....the solution is to make everyone aware of specifically who does...then players/hosts can choose to avoid playing with those trolls that ruin the game...

Already there are hosts who instantly boot trolls like Zoomers who ruin games for people....









on Aug 30, 2012

you have 10 pauses total each and unlimited unpause option. I see no need to time limit pause other than what is agreed with in game chat

Actually, Gregg, I kind of agree with you.  In ganes with friends, pauses should be whatever is needed and restrictions on them aren't helpful.

Unfortunately, in games with strangers...the chances of running across another ADHD, nerd raging griefer make options something you want.

A good feature would be an option for the game host to override a pause at will.

on Aug 30, 2012

Or have simply have the game creator have the option of 'enable' or 'disable' pause features.

on Aug 30, 2012

on Aug 30, 2012

Or have simply have the game creator have the option of 'enable' or 'disable' pause features.

Except you need pauses for things like going to the bathroom, feeding a baby or stopping to hold and stroke your Kol model that came in your collector's edition kit when the mood strikes you.

on Aug 30, 2012

Everyone can unpause game if they know key bindings so there is no need for host to have special privileges regarding pause game and if you give him ultimate pause power (if he pause and no one can unpause) then you come to the point where pause can be abused.

I played with some strangers and regular crowd i usually play with and people usually tolerate a few minute pause for toilet break answering doors changing batteries in mouse etc. As long as other players know what the pause is for is there is not a problem. For me it was never a problem as long as it doesn't take more than few minutes. And most people have same view regarding pause game.